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The infant department comprises all under six years of age, and the juvenile all from six to fourteen. There is also a school of industry for girls from ten years old and upwards, where the various uses of the needle, which are so inseparably connected with domestic comfort, as well as some of a more ornamental nature, are admirably taught. Moral, physical, and religious training are strenuously combined with the intellectual in the system here established, and a spirit of happiness and order seemed to reign, unmarked by the severity of discipline. The Rev. Mr. Cunningham, formerly a professor in one of the Colleges of the United States, is the respected Rector of the Institution; and it owes much to the munificent patronage of David Stow, Esq., author of a volume entitled "The Training System," which contains an exposition of the plan here pursued, and many valuable hints on elementary education in general.

The trainers, who have issued from this Normal Seminary, will have the opportunity of widely exemplifying its system; for they are found not only in different counties of Scotland, England, and Ireland, but in the West Indies, British America, and the far regions of Australia. Who can compute the benefit that may result from their labors, each in his own separate circle lighting the lamp of knowledge, and scattering the seeds of heaven? Or who can sufficiently estimate the value of those charities, which