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I said thou bad'st in castled nook
    Thy loved regalia rest,
And changed it for the olive branch,
    That shadoweth brow and breast.
For this no more in contest rude,
    Or challenge mad with haste,
Or savage shock of border wars,
    Thy sons their blood shall waste.

No more shalt thou stern watch and ward
    Upon those hill-tops hold,
When now the shepherd's voice at eve
    Doth warn his flocks afold;
But freely pour thy glowing soul
    To thrill the tuneful lyre,
And mark on Calton's beauteous brow
    Athenian domes aspire;

And kindly with thy guiding hand
    Assist the pilgrim wight,
Who breathless climbs to seek a seat
    On Arthur's towering height,
Or taste from old St. Antoine's well
    Cold waters sparkling free,
Or o'er that ruined chapel pore,
    Queen Margaret gave to thee.