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Cheviot race the long sheep, disputes at that period ran very high about the practicable profits of each. Scott, who had come into our remote district only to collect fragments of legendary lore, was bored with everlasting discussion about long and short sheep. At length, putting on a serious, calculating face, he asked Mr. Walter Bryden 'How long must a sheep actually measure, to come under the denomination of a long sheep?' He, not perceiving the quiz, fell to answer with great simplicity, 'It's the woo' (wool) it's the woo' that makes the difference. The lang sheep ha'e the short woo', and the short sheep ha'e the lang woo'; and these are only jist kind o' names we gie' em.' Scott found it impossible to preserve his gravity, and this incident is wrought into his story of the 'Black Dwarf.' "