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Each other in suspension, or prevailed
Alternately. "Barbaric pearl and gold"
Were roughly set; and cumbrous arras hid
The iron-hasped and loosely-bolted doors.
Broad-branching antlers of the stag were then
The choicest pictures, and the power to quaff
Immense potations from the wassail-bowl
Envied accomplishment.
                                    But Haddon tells
Still of another age, and suits itself
To their more courtly manners. Carvings rich,
And gilded cornices, and chambers hung
With tapestry of France, and shapely grate
Instead of chimney huge, and fair recess
Of oriel window, mark the advancing steps
Of comfort and refinement.
                                        Here moved on,
In stately minuet, lords with doublet slashed,
And ladies rustling in the stiff brocade;
And there, the deep-mouthed hounds the chase pursued,
The maiden ruling well her palfrey white,
With knight and squire attendant.
                                                  Hear we not
Even now their prancing steeds?
                                               'T is passing strange!
Dwell life and death in loving company?
Why bloom those flowers, with none to inhale their sweets?