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on improved principles. The benefit thus conferred on his country was felt and acknowledged, and in this same neighborhood the industrious and faithful mechanic, having received the honor of knighthood, commenced at the age of fifty the erection of the fine edifice, bearing the name of Willersly Castle. Moved by that piety which formed a part of his character, he endowed and began to build a beautiful stone chapel in the vicinity of the castle. Dying before its com- pletion, it was finished by his son, whom he left one of the richest commoners in England. The charity schools connected with it, and which number several hundred scholars, are also kept up entirely at his expense; and it gave us pleasure to find that the ladies of the family took a warm personal interest in them. The elevation of industry and merit from obscurity, and their union with active benevolence and piety, which we have so often been permitted to see in our own dear land, seemed if possible to become a still more beautiful lesson, amid the aspiring rocks and romantic glens of Derbyshire.