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the course of the same century. It contains the tomb of Becket, whose blood was spilt before its altar, at the instigation of Henry the Second. It has also the monuments of Henry the Fourth, and his queen; the Black Prince, and many other distinguished characters, both of ancient and modern times.

The whole of our stay in Dover was marked by wind and tempest. In an evening promenade, somewhat overrating our powers of adhesion to the rocks that we traversed, we were near being blown from the Shakspeare cliff into the surges that boiled beneath. Dover Castle and its reminiscences of the vigilance, with which the English troops here kept guard against the vaunted invasion of the Corsican, induced one of our party to describe a caricature, executed at that time in London, which gave great satisfaction to the people. Bonaparte is represented on the very verge of the coast of Calais, eagerly pointing a spyglass towards the heights of Dover, where John Bull, in full military uniform, and with his usual portly figure, is perambulating at leisure.

"Says Boney to Johnny, I'm coming to Dover,
Says Johnny to Boney, 't is doubted by some;
But says Boney, what if I really come over?
Then doubtless, says Johnny, you'll be overcome."

It was not without some misgivings, heightened probably by those November fogs and rains, which in