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interred, the following striking inscription was once put up in Latin. It was almost immediately removed, and the writer never discovered, and we are indebted to Camden for its preservation.

"Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of a king, kins-woman and next heir to the Queen of England, adorned with royal virtues and a noble spirit, having often but in vain implored to have the rights of a prince done unto her, is by a barbarous and tyrannical cruelty cut off. And by one and the same infamous judgment, both Mary of Scotland is punished with death, and all kings now living are made liable to the same. A strange and uncouth kind of grave is this, wherein the living are included with the dead; for we know that with her ashes the majesty of all kings and princes lies here depressed and violated. But because this regal secret doth admonish all kings of their duty, Traveller! I shall say no more."

In the modern portion of Holyrood is a pleasant suite of apartments, which were occupied by Charles the Tenth of France, when he found refuge in Scotland from his misfortunes at home. They have ornamented ceilings, and are hung with tapestry. The Duke of Hamilton, who is keeper of the palace, has apartments there, as has also the Marquis of Breadalbane. The latter has a large collection of family portraits, among which is a fine one by Vandyke of Lady Isabella Rich, holding a lute, on which