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of a Journal regularly kept, during a tour which occupied the greater part of a year.

Their writer has not sought to dwell upon the dark shades of the countries that it was her privilege to visit. It might have been easy to fix the eye upon the blemishes that appertain to each, as it is to discern foibles in the most exalted character. Yet it is but a losing office to quit our own quiet fireside, and throw ourselves upon the stormy billows, for the sake of finding fault. This we might do with less fatigue and peril at home. She might, indeed, have picked up a nettle here and there, but the flowers were sweeter. She might have gathered thorns and brambles to sting others or herself with, but what she has missed, multitudes who go the same road can find, and cull them if they choose. So the lovers of poignancy may be gratified from many sources, should they be compelled to pronounce this volume vapid and void of discrimination.

"When I have called the bad, bad," says Goethe, "how much is gained by that? He, who would work aright, had better busy himself to show forth and to do that which is good." And methinks he, who leaves his native land to take note of foreign realms,