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Elegant 8vo Edltian



{But few copies remain of this edition.)

WIODERN PAINTERS. By John Ruskin. New and beautiful edition. Containing fine copies of all the plates, fST) and wood engravings of the original London edition.

Vol. 1.— Part 1. General Principles. Part 2. Truth. Vol. 2.— Part 3. Of Ideas of Beauty. Vol. 3.— Part 4. Of Many Things. Vol. 4.— Part 5. Of Mountain Beauty. Vol. 5.— Part 6. Leaf Beauty. P^rt 7. Of Cloud Beauty. Part 8. ideas of Relation of Invention, Formal. Part 9. Ideas of Relation of Invention, Spiritual.

5 vols., 8vo, extra cloth 30 00

5 vols., 8vo, K calf 40 00

5 vols., 8vo, full calf 45 00

STONES OF VENICE. By John Ruskin. New and beautiful edition. Containing fine copies of all the plates, (54) colored and plain, and wood engravings of the original London edition. Vol. 1.— The Foundations. Vol. 2.— The Sea Stories. Vol. 3.— The Fall.

3 vols., 8vo, extra cloth 18 00

3 vols., 8vo, % calf 24 00

3 vols., 8vo, full calf 27 00

PLATES to ditto separately, including fine copies of all the plates in London edition. (54) colored

and plain. 8vo, extra cloth 6 00

SEVEN IiAinPS OF ARCHITECTURE. By John Ruskin. New and beautiful edition, con- taining fine copies of all the plates ( 14) of the origi- ginal London edition. Lamp of Sacrifice. Lamp of Truth. Lamp of Power. Lamp of Beauty. Lamp of Life. Lamp of Memory. Lamp of Obedience,

extra cloth, 6 00

54 calf 8 00

full calf 9 00



Miss Fraucesca Alexander, with 20 full page plates, from drawings of the author. Edited by John Rus- kin. 8vo, cloth extra 3 50

DITTO, DITTO. 20 Plates, % morocco 6 50

THE STORY OF IDA. EPITAPH ON AN ETRURIAN TOMR. By Prancesca Alexander, with Preface by John Ruskin. Illus- trated, with a Beautiful Portrait.

12mo, laid paper, cloth extra 75

4to, heavy paper, cloth extra 1 50