Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/138

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[Plomer, Short History, p. 226.] In April, 1666, he was imprisoned in Ludgate for printing a book that offended the censor, and was bound over in £500 to be of good behaviour. [Domestic State Papers, Charles II, 155, 70.] In 1659 he entered in the registers a work entitled Ludgate what it is not, what it was, Or a full discovery and description of the nature and quality, orders and government of that Prison. By Mr. Johnson Typograph a late prisoner there. [Stationers' Registers, Liber F, p. 156.] This was written by Marmaduke Johnson, printer. A list of books printed and sold by Thomas Johnson in 1658 occupies sigs. Ee 5-8 in T. Polwhele's Treatise of Self Denial, 1658. [E 1733.] It consists of 36 works on various subjects, arranged in sizes, the titles being set out in full.

JOHNSON (W), bookseller in London, 1642. Publisher of political pamphlets. His address has not been found.

JONES (), bookseller at Worcester, 1663. Mentioned in an advertisement of patent medicines in The Intelligencer and Newes of that year.

JONES (JOHN), bookseller in London, (1) Near to the Pump in Little Britain; (2) Royal Exchange in Cornhill. 1658-65. Publisher of political pamphlets and broadsides. Died August 9th, 1665. [Smyth's Obituary, p. 64.]

JONES (RICHARD), bookseller in London; Jermins Yard, Aldersgate Street, 1666. Mentioned in the Hearth Tax Roll for the half-year ending Lady Day, 1666. [P.R.O. Lay Subsidy 252/32.]

JORDAN (TOBIAS), bookseller in Gloucester, 1644-64. Sheriff of Gloucester in 1644 and Mayor in 1659. [Bibl. Glouc, pp. liii, clvi.] His name is found on a broadside entitled A Perfect and most useful table to compute the year of our Lord, 1656, which was to be sold in London at the shop of Master Michell in Westminster Hall. [B.M. 669, f. 20 (32).] On September 13th, 1664, a warrant was issued to certain Aldermen of Gloucester to search his house for seditious books and papers. [Domestic State Papers, Charles II, vol 102, 51.]

JOYCE (GEORGE), bookseller in London; Westminster Hall, 1662. Advertisement of patent medicine in the Kingdoms Intelligencer for that year.