Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/160

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MILNER (PETER) (?) bookseller in Warrington, Lancashire, c. 1641. In the will of James Milner, of Warrington, co. Lancashire, stationer, proved on the 18th April, 1639, occurs the following passage: "To Peter Milner my servant the half of the books in my shop in Warrington and all such patternes, workloomes, and colers wch I use to paint and drawe worke withall." [Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. 37, pp. 67-115; Booksellers and Stationers in Warrington, 1639-1657. By W. H. Rylands, F.S.A.]

MILWARD (WILLIAM), bookseller in London; Without Westminster Hall Gate, 1656. Only known from the imprint to F. Duke's Fulness & Freeness of God's Grace, 1656.

MINSHALL (W.), see Minshew (W.).

MINSHEW (WILLIAM), bookseller (? in Chester), 1655. In company with Cornelius Bee, and Saml. Mearne, he was granted a pass to go to Holland in 1655. The name may be a misreading for William Minshall, who took up his freedom July 7th, 1634. [Arber, iii. 687.] There were booksellers of the name of Minshull in Chester some years later.

MITCHEL, or MICHAEL (MILES), bookseller in London, (1) Within the Gate [i.e., Westminster Hall Gate]; (2) At the first shop in Westminster Hall, 1656-63. He was London agent for T. Jordan, of Gloucester, q.v.

MOND (DUNCAN), stationer at Edinburgh, c. 1650. "Duncan Mond, stationer in Edinburgh, had a gift of King's printer conferr'd on him, which entirely cut off Tyler." [Watson, 10.] Mr. H. G. Aldis does not confirm this statement, though he quotes it, neither has he apparently come across a single work that bears it out. [H. G. Aldis, List of Books, p. 117.]

MOONE (RICHARD), bookseller in London; Seven Stars in St. Paul's Churchyard near the great north doore, 1653-5. Issued books in conjunction with John Allen, q.v. His mark, consisting of a play upon his name, will be found amongst the Bagford fragments. [Harl. 5963 (75).] There was also a Richard Moon or Moone, bookseller in Bristol, who may be identical with the above.