Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/68

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BUCK (JOHN), printer and bookbinder at Cambridge, 1625–68. One of the Esquire Bedells, was appointed printer December 16th, 1625, and was in partnership first with his brother, T. Buck and Leonard Green, and afterwards with T. Buck and Roger Daniel. Although his name drops out of the imprints after 1635, he continued to have an interest in the printing office until 1668. [Camb. Antiq. Soc. Comm., vol. v, p. 304; Harl. MSS. 5929 (405).]

BUCK (THOMAS), printer and bookbinder at Cambridge, 1625–70. Was appointed by Grace, July 13th, 1625. He had several partners, including Leonard Greene, John Buck, Roger Daniel. From 1640 to 1650 his name disappears from the imprints of Cambridge printed books, but in 1651–2 he appears to have become once more printer to the University for a brief space. He is said to have resigned in 1653, but he continued to retain an interest in the office up to the time of his death in 1670. The bindery of the brothers J. and T. Buck is distinguished for the beauty of its stamps, and the skill shown in decorative treatment. Dr. Jebb, speaking of the remarkable bindings executed by the ladies of Little Gidding, says that "a Cambridge bookbinder's daughter that bound rarely" was engaged to teach them the art, and Mr. Cyril Davenport in an interesting article on the same subject shows the resemblance between the stamps used on Little Gidding books and those found on books bound by or for the Cambridge printers. He concludes that the "bookbinder's daughter" came either from the University printers themselves, or from some Cambridge bindery which they patronised. [Bibliographica, Vol. II, pp. 129 et seq.]

BUCKLEY (S.), see Bulkley (Stephen).

BUCKNELL (THOMAS), bookseller (?) in London; Golden Lion, Duck Lane, 1651–52. His name is found on Samuel Sheppard's Epigrams: Theological, Philosophical and Romantick, 1651.

BULKELEY, see Bulkley.

BULKLEY, BULKELEY, or BUCKLEY (STEPHEN), printer in London, York, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Gateshead, 1639–80. One of the sons of Joseph Bulkley, bookseller, of Canterbury. He was apprenticed to a London printer, Adam Islip, for eight years from February 2nd (Candlemas Day), 1630/1, and took up his freedom February 4th, 1639. Stephen