Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/76

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the Hearth Tax returns for the parish of St. Botolph's for the half-year ending on that day. [P.R.O. Lay Subsidy 252/32.] No book entry occurs in the Registers under his name before 1667, and the bulk of his work lies outside the period covered by this dictionary. He died in 1711, and was buried in St. Botolph's. [D.N.B.; Arber, Term Catalogue, passim.]

CHRISTOPHER (EDWARD), bookseller in London, 1642–43. Associated with Robert Wood, q.v., in publishing political broadsides and tracts. His place of business has not been found.

CHURCHILL (WILLIAM), bookseller in Dorchester, 1659–88. His name is found on the following work:—Usher (J.), Eighteen Sermons, 1659. E. 1004. Later dates in Term Catalogues, vols. i and ii.

CLAPHAM (TH.), (?) bookseller in London (?) 1642. His name is found on the imprint to a pamphlet entitled Newes from the City of Norwich, 1642. [E. 114 (15).]

CLARKE (JOHN), bookseller in London, (1) Under St. Peter's Church in Cornhill; (2) Entring into Mercers' Chappell at the lower end of Cheapside; (3) Under Creechurch. 1620–69. Took up his freedom March 23rd, 1619/20. [Arber, iii. 685.] Dealt almost entirely in theological literature. Smyth records his death in the Obituary (p. 82), 29th July, 1669; "Old John Clark, Bookseller under Creechurch (once in Cornhill), my old acquaintance, died this day, plenus dierum et senii infirmitatum." A catalogue of 61 books, all theological, on sale by him in 1652 is given at the end of a work entitled Sacred Principles Services and Soliloquies, 1652.

CLARKE (JOHN), junr., bookseller in London; Lower end of Cheapside entring into Mercers' Chapel, 1651–90. Admitted a freeman September 1st, 1628. [Arber, iii. 685.] Son of the preceding.

CLARKE (ROBERT), bookseller in London; Rose in Ivy Lane, 1646–65. Took up his freedom December 2nd, 1639. [Arber, iii. 688.] Mentioned in the will of his brother Edmund Clarke, of St. Faith's parish [P.C.C. 152 Hyde], proved on December 9th, 1665, who bequeathed him and his wife Elizabeth the sum of 20s. a piece to buy them rings, and left bequests also to their children. Robert Clarke was the publisher of the Genealogie of all Popish Monks, 1646, 4o.