Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/87

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which he issued in 1661. He sometimes supplied books to Scottish booksellers. [See Hill (J.).] Andrew Crooke was master of the Stationers' Company in the year 1665-66. Smyth in his Obituary, p. 103, thus records his death: "Sep. 20. [1674.] Andrew Crooke bookseller, this evening died, being well the day before among his acquaintance in Little Britain, my old acquaintance." He left no will. Administration of his effects was granted to his widow on October 15th. [P.C.C., Admons.]

CROOKE (JOHN), bookseller in London, and King's Printer in Dublin, 1638-69, (1) Greyhound in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1638-39; (2) Ship in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1640-66; (3) Duck Lane, 1667-69; (4) Dublin, King's Printing Office, 1660-69. Brother of Andrew Crooke. He was associated with R. Sergier, J. Baker, and G. Bedell, and during this time issued several plays. In July, 1660, he was appointed Printer General in Ireland with a fee of £8 per annum and power to print all books and statutes, and he still retained his London business. Smyth in his Obituary, p. 80, thus records his death: "20th March 1668/9 Mr. John Crook bookseller in Duck Lane, brother to Andr. Crook, died this morning: buried at Botolphs Aldersgate, Mar, 23." He left no will, administration of his effects being granted to his widow Mary on April 20th. He was succeeded in the office of King's Printer in Ireland by Benj. Tooke, but in a book noted by Mr. E. R. McC. Dix in his Books printed in Dublin, under date 1671, the imprint runs: "Typis Regiis et impensis Mariæ Crooke." He left two sons, John and Andrew, both of whom were afterwards associated with the King's Printing House in Dublin. [Information supplied by Mr. E. R. McC. Dix; W. W. Greg, List of English Plays & Masques, Appendix 1, p. xxxvi.]

CROOKE (WILLIAM), bookseller in London; Three Bibles on Fleet Bridge, 1664-65. Published T. Lowick's History of … St. George, 1664. A list of seven books published by him is given at the end of The Truth & Excellency of Christian Religion Demonstrated, 1665, 4o.

CROSLEY (JOHN), bookseller at Oxford, 1664-1703. Was perhaps son or grandson of John Crosley, stationer in Oxford, who died February 12th, 1612/13. [Madan, Early Oxford Press, p. 276.] His imprint is found in M. Prideaux's Easy & compendious Introduction, for reading all sorts of Histories. 1664.