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That's good! She's sick, Harold. You'd better get someone to look at her.


Edward gave me that baby the same day he almost killed my father!


Calm down, Pretoria! You know we no longer give free reign to Edward's unregulated practices! He besmirched the firm's name wherever in the world he went--but that was well over ten years ago.


What's gotten into you Harold? You aren't taking her seriously are you? What do I want with racial riots? Christ, I wasn't even in South Africa then!


When, Edward?


How should I know when? I never said I knew when it happened! Where's Cecil? Didn't he say he was coming?

(Another part of the Audience. Cecil stands up, with ledgers under his arm)


Here I am, Ed. And I've brought the books. They'll show any distortions in black and white; we've got files of transactions, dates and figures for just such eventualities as these. If it really happened, the figures will show it.


Well what are you standing around holding your books for? Christ I must have been a kid then! You got anything on me for 1943?