Page:Plutarch's Lives (Clough, v.5, 1865).djvu/579

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INDEX. 571 A.VXI08 MiLO, Cicero's friend, Cato the Younger, iv. 418 ; Cicero, v. 70, 72. MiLO, a Macedonian officer, /Em. Pau- lus, ii. 171. MiLTAS the Thessaliau, a prophet, Dion, V. 266, 267. MiLTiADES, Theseus, i. 6 ; Theraisto- cles, i. 234, 235 ; Aristides, ii. 285, 300, 313 ; Comparison, ii. 354 ; Ci- mon, iii. 202, 204, 208 ; Demetrius, V. 108. MiLTO, called Aspasia by Cyrus the Younger, Pericles, i. 351 ; compare Artaxerxes, v. 449-452. !RIlMAl,LONES, Alexander, iv. 160. MiNDARUS, a Spartan admiral, Alcibi- ades, ii. 34, 36, 37. RIiNOA, on the coast of Megara, Nicias, iii. 297; Comparison, iii. 379. MiNOA, a town in Sicily, Dion, v. 269. Minos, king of Crete, Theseus, i. 1 2- 19; Numa, i. 132; Cato the Elder, ii. 346 ; compare Demetrius, v. 141. Minotaur, Theseus, i. 12-14, 16. MINTURN.E, a town on the Liris, Ma- rius, iii. 89, 91, 92. Caius Minucids, a private man, Po])Ucola, i. 205. MiNUClUS, dictator, Marcellus, ii. 242. Lucius Minucius (more correctly Marcus), master of the horse, Fabi- us, i. 375, 378, 381-388; Compari- son, i. 406,407. Marcus Minucius, one of the two first quaestors, Poplicola. i. 214. Minucius Tiiehmus, tribune of the people with Cato, Cato the Younger. iv. 397, 398. MisENUM, promontory and town of Campania, Marius, iii. 85 ; C. Grac- chus, iv. 651 ; Antony, v. 184. Mithras, the Pei-sian deity, Pompey, iv. 79; Alexander, iv. 198; Art^i- xer.xes, v. 424. MiTHRlDATES, son of Ariobarzanes, founder ot the kingdom of Pontus, Demetrius, v. 99. Mithrid.tes, king of Pontus, Flami- ninus, ii. 412 ; Marius, Iii. 83. 85, 86, 95, 100-102 ; Sylla. iii. 149, 150, 152. 155, 156, 159, "l62, 169, 171-175, 178 ; Comparison, iii. 196. 197 ; Lu- cullus, iii. 229-250, 254, 255, 257, 260, 261,265,267, 269. 272, 274; Com- parison, iii. 287; Crassus, iii. 350; Sertorius, iii. 386, 410-412; Pom- pey, iv. 73, 78, 86, 89-99, 101-103, 1 06; Cajsar, iv. 308 ; also Numa, i. 140. Mithridates, king of Commagene, Antony, v. 214. Mithridates, cousin to Monsses, Antony, v. 201, 202. Mithridates, a Persian, Artaxerxes, V. 431, 434-437. Mithridates of Pontus, Galba, v. 468, 469. MrrHROBARZANES, general of Tigra- nes, Lucullus, iii. 259. MiTHROPAUSTES, cousin of Xerxes, Themistodes, i. 263. MiTYi.E.NE, a town in Lesbos, Solon, i. 181 ; Lucullus. iii. 232; Pompey, iv. 103, 143, 145 ; Ti. Gracchus, iv. 514. JLv.iSiTHEUS, a companion of Aratus, Aratus, v. 373. M.NEMON, a surname, Marius, iii. 48; compare Artaxerxes, v. 421. Mn'esicles, architect of the Propylaea, Pericles, i. 338. M.NESii'HiLUS of Phrean-lii, a philoso- pher, Themistodes. i. 233. Mnesiptolkma, daughter of Themi- stodes, Themistodes, i. 264, 265, 267. Mnestra, Cimon, iii. 203. MiERocLES, an orator, Demosthenes, V. 15, 25. McEsiA and Mcesians, Otho, v. 490, 495, 496, 502. Moi.oN (see Apollonius), Csesar, iv. 258 ; Cicero, v. 39. or MoRius. a river of Boeotia, Sylla. iii. 165, 169. Moi.ossiANS, a people of Epirus, The- seus, i. 32. 35: Themistodes, i. 257, 258; Pyrrhus, iii. 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 24, 35, 41, 42 ; Demetrius, v. 120. OLOssus, an Athenian commander, Piio ion, iv. 343. MoLPADiA, an Amazon, Theseus, L 28. MoN.KSES. a Parthian exile, Antony, V. 190, 2I>1. MoxiMK of Miletus, Lucullus, iii. 249; Pompey, iv. 97. MoRius. See Molus. MoscHiAN Mountains, Pompey, iv. 93. MoTHONE, beyond Malea, Aratus v. 377. Mucia, wife of Pompey, Pompey, iv. 104.