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Order of Precedence of Motions.

The ordinary motions rank as follows, and any of them (except to amend) can be made while one of a lower order is pending, but none can supersede one of a higher order:

To Fix the Time to which to Adjourn.

To Adjourn (when unqualified).

For the Orders of the Day.

To Lie on the Table.

For the Previous Question.

To Postpone to a Certain Time.

To Commit.

To Amend.

To Postpone Indefinitely.

The motion to Reconsider can be made when any other question is before the assembly, but cannot be acted upon until the business then before the assembly is disposed of [see note 5 above], when, if called up, it takes precedence of all other motions except to adjourn, and to fix the time to which to adjourn. Questions incidental to those before the assembly, take precedence of them and must be acted upon first.

Forms of Putting Certain Questions.

If a motion is made to Strike out certain words, the question is put in this form: “Shall these words stand as a part of the resolution?” so that on a tie vote they are struck out.

If the Previous Question is demanded, it is put thus: “Shall the main question be now put?”

If an Appeal is made from the decision of the Chair, the question is put thus: “Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the assembly [convention, society, etc.]?”

If the Orders of the Day are called for, the question is put thus: “Will the assembly now proceed to the Orders of the Day?”

When, upon the introduction of a question, some one objects to its consideration, the chairman immediately puts the question thus: “Will the assembly consider it?” or “Shall the question be considered [or discussed]?”

If the vote has been ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, the question is put in a form similar to the following: “As many as are in favor of the adoption of these resolutions, will, when their names are called, answer yes, [or aye] those opposed will answer answer no.”