Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/123

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§ 46]

lutions, a member, after he has addressed the Chair and been recognized, says: “I move that a committee be appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting on,” etc., adding the subject for which the meeting was called. This motion being seconded, the Chairman states the question [§ 65] and asks: “Are you ready for the question?” If no one rises he puts the question, and announces the result; and if it is carried, he asks: “Of how many shall the committee consist?” If only one number is suggested, he announces that the committee will consist of that number; if several numbers are suggested, he states the different ones, and then takes a vote on each, beginning with the largest, until one number is selected.

He then inquires: “How shall the committee be appointed?” This is usually decided without the formality of a vote. The committee may be “appointed” by the Chair; in which case the Chairman names the committee, and no vote is taken; or the committee may be “nominated” by the Chair, or the members of the assembly (no member naming more than one, except by unanimous consent), and then the assembly vote on their appoint-