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page 8] containing a large amount of information in a tabular form, for easy reference in the midst of the business of a meeting.

Part I contains a set of Rules of Order systematically arranged, as shown in the Table of Contents. Each one of the forty-five sections is complete in itself, so that one unfamiliar with the work cannot be misled in examining any particular subject. Cross references are freely used to save repeating from other sections, and by this means the reader, without using the index, is reterred to everything in the Rules of Order that has any bearing upon the subject he is investigating. The references are by sections, and for convenience the numbers of the sections are placed at the top of each page. The motions are arranged under the usual classes, in their order of rank, but in the Index under the word motion will be found an alphabetical list of all the motions generally used.

The following is stated in reference to each motion:

(1) Of what motions it takes precedence (that is, what motions may be pending, and yet it be in order to make this motion).

(2) To what motions it yields (that is, what motions may be made while this motion is pending).

(3) Whether it is debatable or not (all motions being debatable unless the contrary is stated).

(4) Whether it can be amended or not.

(5) In case the motion can have no subsidiary motion applied to it, the fact is stated [see Adjourn, § 11, for an example: the meaning is, that the particular