Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/188

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House, call of the 70
Incidental questions 8
Indefinite postponement 24, 59b
Informal consideration of a question 33
Introduction of Business 1–5, 54
Journal, or minutes 41, 51
Legal Rights [see Assembly and Ecclesiastical Tribunals].  
Lie on the table, motion to 19, 57b, 59c
Main question 6
Majority [see Two-thirds and Quorum]  
Meeting, distinction between it and session [note] 42
how to conduct [see Forms].  
Members not to be present during a debate concerning themselves 36
not to vote on questions personal to themselves 38
trial of 69
not to be expelled by less than a two-thirds vote 69
Minority Report [see Committees].  
Minutes, form and contents of 41, 51
Moderator [see Chairman].  
Modification of a motion by the mover 5
Motions, list of. [For details, see each motion in the Index.]  
Adjourn 11, 63b
Adjourn, fix the time to which to 10, 63a
Amend 23, 56a
Adopt a report [same as accept or agree to] 31, 46c
Appeal 14, 61e
Blanks, filling 25
Call to order 14, 61d
Close debate 37, 58
Commit 22, 56b
Consideration of a question, objection to 15, 59a
Divide the question 4, 23, 56a
Extend the limits of debate 34, 64
Fix the time to which to adjourn 10, 63a
Incidental motions or questions 8
Indefinitely postpone 24, 59b
Informal consideration of a question 33