Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/190

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when to be in writing 4, 54
how to be divided 4
how to be modified by the mover 3, 5, 17
how to be stated and put to the question 38, 65
that cannot be amended 23, 56a
that cannot be debated 35
that open main question to debate 35
that require two-thirds vote for their adoption 39
Nominations, how treated 25, 46a
Numbers of paragraphs, clerk to correct without a vote 23
Objection to the consideration [discussion or introduction] of a question 15, 59a
Officers of an assembly [see Chairman, Clerk, Treasurer and Vice-Presidents].  
Order, questions of and a call to 14, 61d
of business 44, 72
of the day 13, 61a
special 13, 61b
of precedence of motions [see Precedence].  
Organization of an occasional or mass meeting 46a
of a convention or assembly of delegates 47
of a permanent society 48
Papers and documents, reading of 16, 62
in custody of clerk 41, 51
Parliamentary Law, its origin, etc., p. 13.  
Personal explanation, not privileged [note] 62c
Plan of the Manual [Introduction, pp. 16-19].  
Postpone to a certain time 21, 57a
indefinitely 24, 59b
Preamble, considered after the rest of a paper 44
Precedence of motions [see each motion, §§ 10–27], p. 10.  
meaning of [Introduction, p. 18].  
Presiding officer [see Chairman].  
Previous Question 20, 58a
Principal (or main) question 6
Priority of Business, questions relating to, are undebatable 35
Privilege, questions of 12, 62c