Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/69

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§ 28]

such instructions as the assembly have decided upon. The chairman shall call the committee together, and, if there is a quorum (a majority of the committee, see § 43), he should read, or have read, the entire resolutions referred to them; he should then read each paragraph, and pause for amendments to be offered; when the amendments to that paragraph are voted on he proceeds to the next, only taking votes on amendments, as the committee cannot vote on the adoption of matter referred to them by the assembly.

If the committee originate the resolutions, they vote, in the same way, on amendments to each paragraph of the draft of the resolutions (which draft has been previously prepared by one of their members or a sub-committee); they do not vote on the separate paragraphs, but, having completed the amendments, they vote on the adoption of the entire report [see § 44]. When there is a preamble it is considered last. If the report originates with the committee, all amendments are to be incorporated in the report; but if the resolutions were referred, the committee cannot alter the text, but must submit the original paper intact, with their amendments (which may be in the