Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/108

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THE fummer it was fmiling, all nature round was g a y>

When Jenny was attending on Auld Robin Grey, For he was lick at heart, and had nae friend belide, But only me, poor Jenny, who newly was his bride. Ah ! Jenny, I fhall die he cried, as fure as I had birth, Then fee my poor old bones, I pray, laid into the

earth, And be a widow for my fake, a twelve month and a

day, And I will leave whate're belongs to Auld R obin Grey*

I laid poor Robin in the earth as decent as I coud, And {hed a tear upon his grave, for he was very good, I took my rock all in my hand, and in my cot I figh'd > Oh !' wae is me ! what'ihali 1 do ! fuice poor Auld

Robin died. Search ev'ry part throughout the land, there's nane

like me forlorn,

I'm ready e'en to ban the day that ever I was born, For Jamie, all 1 lov'd on earth, ah ! he is gone away, My father's dead, my mither's dead, and eke Auld

Robin Grey !

I rofe up with the morning fun, and fpun till fetting

tiay, And one whole year of widowhood I mourn'd for

Robin Grey,

I did the duty of a wife, both kind and conftant to, Let ev'ry one example take, and Jenny plan purfue ; I thought that Jamie he was dead, or he to me was


And all my fond and youthful love entirely was crft ; J tiied to ling, I tried to laugh, and pafs the time away, for I had ne'er a friend alive, fince died Auld Robin



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