Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/123

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"Y dog and my miftrefs are both of a kind,

As fickle as limey, inconftant as wind ; _My dog follows ev'ry f trange heel in the ftreets, And my miftrefs as fond ot each fellow {he meets. Yet, in fpite of her arts, I'll not make the lead i But be cherry, and merry, and happy thro' life.

Go Mifs where (he will, and whenever me pleafe,

Her conduct (hall ne'er my philofophy teaze ;

Her freedom mall never embitter my glee,

One woman's the fame as another to me.

So, in fpite of her airs, I'll not make the leaft ftrifo,

But be cherry, and merry, and happy thro' life.

1 laugh ^at the wretches who ftupidly pine

For falle-hearted gipfeys they title divine ;

At worft of my love-fits no phyfic I afk,

But that which is found in the bowl or the flaik.

For go things how they will, I'll not make the leaft

ftrife, But be cherry, and merry, and happy thro' life.

The girl that behaves with good humour and fenfe, Shall iliil to my heart have the warmeft pretence ; And tor thofe who would jilt me, deceive, and betray, ]B honefter bumpers I'll wafiithem aw 'Tis my final relolve not to n .it ftrife,

JJut be cherry, aud merry, and happy thro' life.


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