Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/132

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Stilt frefher blows the midnight gale !

" All hands, reef top-fails." are the cries ! And, while the clouds the veil,

Aloft to reef the fails he flies ! In florms for rending, doom'd to roam, The ocean is the feaman's home.


THE pleafures of May, Invited me to ftray, Where cowflips and violets blow ; When bleft with content, With the lafles I went,

But now 1 repent it heigho !

For Damon was there, So graceful an air,

With love I began foon to glow ; In vain blooms the fpring, In vain the birds ling,

But Cupid I'm wounded heigho !

I'm terribly vext, Tormented, perplext,

Aud fcarcely can tell where I go ; If Damon pafs by, How confufed am I,

He's all that I wifh for heigho !

'Twas but t'other day, While my lambs were at play,

Sometimes they a rambling will go ; He came in my view, And faid how do ye do ?

I aniwered him only heigho !


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