Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/136

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��IN ftorms, when clouds obfcure the iky, And thunders roll, and lightnings fly In midft of all thele dire alarms, I think, my Sally, on thy charms. The troubled main, The wind and rain, My ardent paffions prove ; Laih'd to the helm, Shou'd feas o'erwhelm, I'd think on thee, my love !

When rocks appear on every fide^ And art is vain the fhjp to guide j In varied lhapes, when death appears, The thoughts of thee my bofom cheers.

The troubled main,

��But mould the gracious pow'rs be kind- Difpel the gloom and (lift the wind, And watt me to thy arms once more, Safe to my long loft native fhore ;

No more the main

I'd tempt again, But tender joys improve j

I then with the

Should happy be^ And think on nought but love,


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