Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/149

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��ADAM, you know my trade is war,

And what fhould I deny it for ? Whene'er the trumpet founds from for,

I long to hack and hew ;

Yet, Madam, credit what I fay,

Were I this moment call'd away,

And all the troops drawn in array,

I'd rather nay with you.

��Did drums and fprightly trumpets found,

Did death and carnage ftalk around, Did dying horfes bite the ground,

Had we no hope in view : Were the whole army loft in fmoke, Were they the laft words that I fpoke, I'd fay, and dam'me if 1 joke,

I'd rather ftay with you.

��Did the foe charge us front and rear, Did e'en the braveft face appear, Jmprefs'd with figns of mortal fear,

Though never veteran knew So terrible and hot a fight, Though ail my laurels it fhould blight Though I fhould lofe fo fine a fight,

I'd rather flay with you.


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