Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/160

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( 130 )

Pear Nancy, I've, fail'd .the world all round, p. 71

Down top-gallants, iidnd by your lee braces, 109

Ere round the; huge oak that o'erfhadow'd yon mill, 30

Every mortal 1 fome favo; ite pleaiure purfues, i>J

Far remov'd from noife and fmoke, - 115

For England, when with tav'ring gales, - 110

God fave great George our King, 2

Give round the world, dilmount, difmount, 6

Go patter to lubbers and f \vabs, d'ye fee, - 83

Hark ! hark ! the joy infpiring horn, 1 9

Hark away, 'tis the merry ton'd horn, 20

Hark, the hunrfman's begun to found 21

How fweet in the woodlands, - - 22

He comes, he comes, the hero comes, 46

How itands the glafs around, 48

Here's to the maiden of blufhing fifteen-, - 65 Hail England, old England, for glory ^enown'd, 67

Here a fheer hulk lies poor Torn Bowling, 35

How pleafant a. iaiior's life paifes, 1 2 1

I made love to Kate, 43

In Jacky Bull wnen bound to France, *8

I fm^ the Britifh, feaman's praife, 87

It was in a village near Caftiebury, b>i>

Johnny met me t'other day, - ICO

In flormt> when clouds obfcure the ikies, - 106 I that -nee was a ploughman, - * 103

Impreil with eveiy fond deiire, - 118

Let care be aftranger to each jovial foul, - 26

Lord, what care 1 for mam or dad, 30

Life's like a fhip in conftant motion, 1 1 1

My maid, Mary, fhe mincbljer dairy, 68


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