Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/22

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The Prefident of the Patrons of the Anniverfary of

the Chanty Schools. Society for the relief of Widows

and Ophans of Medical Men, Gray's Inn


��Medical Society of London.


May the friends of our youth, be the companions of

our age.

May we never want a friend, nor a bottle to give him. Delicate pleasures to fufceptible minds. May reaion be the pilot, when paffion blows the gale. May we never fee an old friend with a new face. May hemp bind thofe whom honour can't. Joys to our tafte, and tafte to our joys. Friendfhip without intereft. The life we love, with thofe we love. May honeft men be great, and great men honeft. A clean fhirt and a guinea. The lafs we love, and the friend we can truft. May the honeft heart never known diftrefs. May we live all the days of our lives. May the pleafures of imagination be realifed. Love and friendfhip.

May the (ingle be married, and the married happy. Difinterefted friendship, and artlefs love. May the widow's tears be dried up with the papers of

Abraham Newland. True hearts and found bottoms. The hand that gives, and the heart that forgives. The rofe of pleafure without the thorn. Wit without bitternefs and mirth without noife. Plenty of coal, and fire to make it fly.


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