Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/25

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May we ever keep the whip hand of our enemies- Our Country, and may it continue to be the land of

liberty to the end of the world. May we never know what heavinefs is, except the

burthen of dollars and penny pieces. May we be always able to mend, lend, and fpend

without erd.

May we mend by the offences of others. May opinion never float on the waves of ignorance. May power prove a curfe, when it is not a friend to

right andjuftice.

May every new year bring us new joys. May thofe who delight in relieving, never want relief

themfelvps. A hearty fupper, a good bottle, and a foft bed, to

the man who fights the battles of his country. May our prudence fecure us friends, but enable us

to live without their afliftance. Honour's beft employment. the protection of in nocence. May the King live to reward the fubjecl that would

die for him.

Riches to the generous, and power to the merciful. Ability to ferve a friend, and honour to conceal it. The honeft fellow that (peaks his mind as freely when

he is fober, as when he is drunk. May our endeavours be always iuccefsful when en gaged under the banner of juftice. May our confcience DC found, though our fortune be


May we"be rk h in friends, rather than money. May he who wants friendlhip, alfo want friends. May we never know forrow but name. May our benevolence be bounded only by our

fortune. May fortune be always an attendant on virtue.


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