Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/39

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tppfail fhivers in the wind, The (hip me cafts to fea, But yet my foul, my heart, my mind,

Are, Mary, moor'd with thee. For tho' thy failor's bound afar, Still love fhall be his leading flar.

Shou r d land men flatter when we're faiPd,

O ! doubt their artful tales ! No gallant failor ever fail'd,

If love breath'd conftant gales. Thou art the compafs of my foul, Which fleers my heart from pole to pole.

��irens in every port we find, More fatal than rocks or waves,

But fuch as grace the Britifh fleet, Are lovers and not flaves.

No foes can ever us fubdue,

Altho' we leave our hearts with you.

Thefe are the cares, but if you're kind, We'll fcorn the raging main,

The rocks, the billows, and the wind, 'Till we return again.

Now England's glory refts with you,

Our fails are full, fweet .girls, adieu.


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