Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/45

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On each in the fynod the hiimorift drollM,

So none could his jokes difapprove ; He fang, reparteed, and fome fmart itories told,

A nd at laft.thus began upon Jove,

And at laft thus began upon Jove.

" Sire Atlas who loqg has the univerfe bore,

" Grows grievoufly tired of late ; " He fays that mankind are much worfe than before,

" So he begs to be eafed of their weight." Jove, knowing the earth on poor Atlas was hurPd,

From his fhoulders commanded the ball ; . Gave his daughter Attraction the charge of the world,

And fhe hung it up high in his hall .

��Mifs, pleaf'd with the prefent, reviewed the ^l round,

To fee what each climate was worth ; Like a di'mond, the whole with an atmolphere bound,

And (lie varioufly planted the earth. With filver, gold, jewels, fhe India endow'd ;

France and Spain fhe taught vineyards to rear ; What fuited each clime on each clime fhe beftow'd,

And FREEDOM fhe found flourifh'd HERE.

Four cardinal virtues fhe left in this ifle,

As guardians to cherifh the root : .The bloflbmsof LIBERTY 'ganforto fmile,

And Englifhmen fed on the fruiti Thus fed and thus bred from a bounty fo rare,

O prefer ve it as free as 'twas given ! We will while we've breath, nay we'll grafp it in death,

Then return it untainted to heav'n.


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