Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/48

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Be proud of the charms of your county, Where nature has lavifhed her bounty ; Where much has been given and fome to be fpar'd, For the bard of all bards was a Warwickfhire bard ; Warwickihire bard, Never pair'd, For the bard 6f all bards was a warwickfhire bard.

Our Shakefpeare compar'd to is no man, Nor Frenchman, nor Grecian, nor Roman ; The fwans are all geefe to the Avon's fweet fwan, And the man of all men was a Warwickihire man ; ' Avon's fwan, A Warwickihire man,

But the man of all men was a Warwickshire man. Old Ben, Thomas Otvvay, John Dryden, And half a fcore more v/e take pride in ; Of famous Will Congreve we boaft too the /kill ; But the Will of all Wills was a Warwickmire Will ; Warwickshire Will, Matchlefs ftill,

But the Will of all Wills was a Warwickfhire Will. As ven'fon is very inviting, To fteal it our bard took delight in ; To make his friends merry he never was lag, For the wag of all wags was a Warwickihire wag ; Warwickmire wag Ever brag,

For the wag of all wags was a Warwickfliire wag. There never was fure fuch a creature, Of all fhe was worth he robb'd nature ; He took all her fmiles, and he took all her grief ; And the thief of all thieves was a Warwickfhire thief; A Warwickihire thief, He's the chief, For the thief of all thieves was a Warwickmire thief.


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