Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/53

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9pnpWAS at the gate of Calais, Hogarth tells,

JL Where* fad defpair and famine always dwells, A meagre Frenchman, madam Granfire's cook, As home he fteer'd his carcafe, that way took ; Bending beneath the weight of fam'd firloin, On whom he oft had wim'd in vain to dine : Good father Domirru > y chance came by, With rofy gills, round paunch, and greedy eye ; Who, when he ftrft bcaeld 'he gratify load, His benediction on it he beftow'd ; And as the folid fat his fingers prefPd, He lick'd his chops, and thus the knight addrefTd.

Air, A lovely lafs to a friar came, &c. Oh rare roaft beef ! lov'd by all mankind,

If I were doom'd to have thee, When drefTd and garnifli'd to my mind,

And fwimming in my gravy, Not all thy country's force combin'd

Should from my fury fave thee. Renown'd firloin, oft-times decreed,

The theme of Engliih ballad ; On thee e'en kings have cieign'd to feH,

Unknown to Freiichn. Then how much doth th .eal

Soup-meagre, frogs and iaiiud !


v half ftarv'd foldier, (hirtlef^, pale and lean, Vno iuchafight before had never 1 Jke Garrick's frighted Kumlc:, ^d,

vuci gai'd with wonder oa the i3rii.:ili lood.


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