Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/58

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��AS tink'ring Tom thro' ftreets his trade did cry, H faw his Sylvia palling by ; In dufl-cart high advanc'd, the nymph was plac'd, With the rich cinders round her lovely waifl ; Tom with uplifted hands th' occafion bleft And thys, in foodiing drains, th' maid addreft..


O Sylvia, while you drive your cart, To pick up dull, you (leal our hearts : You take up duft, and fleal our hearts : That mine is gone, alas ! is true, And dwells among the duft with you : Ah ! lovely Sylvia, eafe me of my pain; Qive me my heart, you ftole, again ; Give me my heart r out of your cart ; Give mt my heart, you Hole, again,


Sylvia, advanc'd above the rabble rout,

Exulting, roll'd her fparkling eyes about ;

She heav'd her f welling breaic, as black as floe,

And iook'd difdain'd on little folks below :

To Tom me nodded, as the cart drew on,

And then, refolv'd to fpeak, Ihe cry'd, flop John,


Shall I who ride above the reft, $e by a paltry croud opprefl ?


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