Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/82

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��ND did you not hear of a jolly young waterman

Who at Black friars bridge ufed for to ply ? He feather'd his oars with fuch fkill and dexterity,

Winning each heart and delighting each eye : He look'd fo neat and row'd fo fteadily, The maidens all floek'd in his boat fo readily, And he eyed the young rogues with fo charming an air That this waterman ne'er was in want of a fare.

��What fights of fine folks he oft row'd in his wherry 'Twas clean'd out fo nice and fo painted withal ! He was always firfl oars, when the fine city ladies,

In a party to Ranelagh went, or Vauxhall. And ofterrtimes wou'c^hey be giggling and leering, But 'twas all one to Tom their jibing and jeering, For loving or liking he little did care, As this waterman ne'er was in want of a fare.

��And yet but to fee how ftrangely things happen, As he row'd along thinking of nothing at all, He ply'd by a damfel fo lovely and charming,

That ihe fmil'd and fo ilraitway in love he did fall. And would this young damfelf but banilh his forrow, He'd wed her to night before it was morrow : And how fhould this waterman ever know care, When lie's marry'd and never in want of a fare ?


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