Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/95

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��HERE'S to the maiden of bafhful fifteen, Here's to the wido-v of fifty ; Here's to the bold and extravagant queen, And here's to the houfewife that's thrifty. Let the toaft pafs, Drink to the lafs, I warrant (he'll prove an excufe for the glafs.

Here's to the maiden whofe dimples we prize, Likewife to her that has none, fir ;

Here's to the maid wi?h a pair of black eyes, And to her that has only but one, fir. Let the toall pafs, &c.

��Here's to the maid with a bofom of fnow, And to her that's as brown as a berry ;

Here's to the wife with a face full of woe, And here's to the girl that is merry. Let the t:>aft pafs, &c.

Let her be clumfey, or let her be thin, Young or ancient, I care not a feather ;

So fill a pint bumper quite up to the brim, And e'en let us toaft them together. Let the toalt pafs, &c.

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