Page:Poems, Volume 1, Coates, 1916.djvu/155

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Though thine impassioned call
Some answer not, nor hear,
O Mother! with thy valiant ones rejoice,
Who died for Man, not glory,
And live in deathless story,
Joined to the names imperishably dear!

Blessèd who fall for Freedom,
Where her flag triumphant waves;
Blessèd who sleep in quiet,
With her laurel on their graves,
Remembered through the echoing years
And hallowed by a nation's thankful tears!
And blessèd, too, the living,
Who fill our hearts with hope and glad forgiving;
Who mid the battle's deafening roar,
When fell the ranks like autumn leaves,
Guarded the standard of the free,
The ægis of our victory:
Who, fevered and anhungered, bore
The more appalling tests of tragic War,
And laureate return, and bring to us their sheaves!

Warriors of the land

And warriors of the sea,