Page:Poems, Volume 1, Coates, 1916.djvu/55

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The splendor streams
In lines and jets and scintillating gleams
From tower and spire and campanile bright,
And palaces of light.

How beautiful is this
Unmatched Cosmopolis!—
City of wealth and want,
Of pitiless extremes,
Selfish ambitions, pure aspiring dreams;
Whose miseries, remembered, daunt
The bravest spirit hope hath cheered—
This city loved and hated, honored, feared:
This Titan City, bold to dare:
This wounded Might
That, dreading darkness, covers up its care
And hides its gaping hurt 'neath veils of light!

Oh, I have looked on Venice when the moon
Silvered each dark lagoon,
And have in dreams beheld her
Clothed in resplendent pride,
The Adriatic's bride!
Naples I, too, have seen—

An even lovelier Queen—