Page:Poems, Volume 2, Coates, 1916.djvu/142

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TWO angels stood at Eden's gate
And neither uttered word:
In the eyes of one, indignant hate
Flamed like the flame of his sword.
The other's brand burned also red
With the fire that, avenging, sears,
And he waved the warning thing of dread;
But his eyes were soft with tears.

They twain had watched the Fall's disgrace,
But only one had seen
The mortal pain in the woman's face,
Where never pain had been:
Had marked the clasp of the woman's hand
On his who, Eden gone,
Seemed, through her trembling touch, new-manned,
As he drew her gently on.

Two angels turned from Eden's gate,
For Man had wandered far:
The one passed quickly, joy elate,
From star to beckoning star;