Page:Poems, now first collected, Stedman, 1897.djvu/217

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Hither to glide far down that path of light,
And lift a hand, and say aright,—
"Thou too shalt know
The orb from which I come!"

—Were thus 'twixt star and wave
His voice to reach me on the night-wind's breath,
I would not lightly leave thee, Dear,
Nor them who with thee here
Make of Life's best for me the choice and sum,—
But yet might not bemoan me, as the slave
Condemned, who hears the call to death;
For that strange heralding
Even of itself would answer all,—would prove
Life but a voyage such as this, and bring
To our adventuring
Its gage of the immortal boon,
Promise of after joy and toil and love;
And I would yield me, as the bird takes wing
Knowing its mate must follow sure and soon.

Ay,—but the trackless spirit
Comes not, nor is there utterance or sign
Of all we would divine

Vouchsafed from the unanswering dome: