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And late old age with hand indulgent ſhed
Its mildeſt winter on thy favour'd head.
For heaven prolong'd her life to ſpread its praiſe,
And bleſs'd her with a patriarch's length of days.
The trueſt praiſe was hers, a cheerful heart,
Prone to enjoy, and ready to impart.
An Iſraelite indeed, and free from guile,
She ſhow'd that piety and age could ſmile.
Religion had her heart, her cares, her voice;
'Twas her laſt refuge, as her earlieſt choice.
To holy Anna's ſpirit not more dear
The church of Iſrael, and the houſe of prayer.
Her ſpreading offspring of the fourth degree
Fill'd her fond arms, and claſp'd her trembling knee.
Matur'd at length for ſome more perfect ſcene,
Her hopes all bright, her proſpects all ſerene,
Each part of life ſuſtain'd with equal worth,

And not a wiſh left unfulfill'd on earth,
