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 But fix'd, O God! for-ever ſtands thy throne;
Jehovah reigns, a univerſe alone;
 Th' eternal fire that feeds each vital flame,
 Collected, or diffus'd is ſtill the ſame.
He dwells within his own unfathom'd eſſence,
And fills all ſpace with his unbounded preſence.

 But oh! our higheſt notes the theme debaſe,
 And ſilence is our leaſt injurious praiſe:
 Ceaſe, ceaſe your ſongs, the daring flight controul,
 Revere him in the ſtillneſs of the ſoul;
With ſilent duty meekly bend before him,
And deep within your inmoſt hearts adore him.