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Of high unſhaken ſpirit, temper'd ſweet
With ſoft urbanity, and poliſh'd grace,
And attic wit, and gay unſtudied ſmiles:
Whom heaven in ſome propitious hour endow'd
With every purer virtue: gave him all
That lifts the hero, or adorns the man.
Gave him the eye ſublime; the ſearching glance
Keen, ſcanning deep, that ſmites the guilty ſoul
As with a beam from heaven; on his brow
Serene, and ſpacious front, ſet the broad ſeal
Of dignity and rule; then ſmil'd benign
On this fair pattern of a God below,
High wrought, and breath'd into his ſwelling breaſt
The large ambitious wiſh to ſave his country.
Oh beauteous title to immortal fame!
The man devoted to the public, ſtands
In the bright records of ſuperior worth
A ſtep below the ſkies: if he ſucceed,