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Backwardneſs of the Spring 1771.

Eſtatem increpitans ſeram, zephyroſque morantes.

IN vain the ſprightly ſun renews his courſe,
Climbs up th' aſcending ſigns and leads the day,
While long embattled clouds repel his force,
And lazy vapours choke the golden ray.

In vain the ſpring proclaims the new-born year;
No flowers beneath her lingering footſteps ſpring,
No roſy garland binds her flowing hair,
And in her train no feather'd warblers ſing.

Her opening breaſt is ſtain'd with frequent ſhowers,
Her ſtreaming treſſes bath'd in chilling dews,
And ſad before her move the penſive hours,
Whoſe flagging wings no breathing ſweets diffuſe.
