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Corin. 'Tis in vain, in vain to fly me,
Sylvia, I will ſtill purſue;
Twenty thouſand times deny me,
 I will kneel and weep anew.

Sylvia. Cupid ne'er ſhall make me languiſh,
 I was born averſe to love;
Lovers' ſighs, and tears, and anguiſh,
 Mirth and paſtime to me prove.

Corin. Still I vow with patient duty
 Thus to meet your proudeſt ſcorn;
You for unrelenting beauty,
 I for conſtant love was born.

But the fates had not conſented,
 Since they both did fickle prove;
Of her ſcorn the maid repented,
 And the ſhepherd—of his love.