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Bluſhes, which uſher in the morn of love,
Sure as the red'ning eaſt foretels the day.

Her tender ſmiles ſhall pay me with delight
For many a bitter pang of jealous fear;
For many an anxious day, and ſleepleſs night,
For many a ſtifled ſigh, and ſilent tear.

Delia ſhall come, and bleſs my lone retreat;
She does not ſcorn the ſhepherd's lowly life;
She will not bluſh to leave the ſplendid ſeat,
And own the title of a poor man's wife.

The ſimple knot ſhall bind her gather'd hair,
The ruſſet garment claſp her lovely breaſt:
Delia ſhall mix amongſt the rural fair,
By charms alone diſtinguiſh'd from the reſt.
