Page:Poems - Southey (1799) volume 1.djvu/28

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To them Zorobabel, "on themes like these
Seek ye the Monarch of Mankind to please;
To Wine superior, or to Power's strong arms,
Be mine to sing resistless Woman's charms.
To him victorious in the rival lays
Shall just Darius give the meed of praise;
The purple robe his honor'd frame shall fold,
The beverage sparkle in his cup of gold;
A golden couch support his bed of rest,
The chain of honor grace his favor'd breast;
His the soft turban, his the car's array,
O'er Babylon's high wall to wheel its way;
And for his wisdom seated on the throne,
For the King's Cousin shall the Bard be known,"

Intent they meditate the future lay,
And watch impatient for the dawn of day,
The morn rose clear, and shrill were heard the flute,
The comet, sackbut, dulcimer, and lute;
To Babylon's gay streets the throng resort,
Swarm thro' the gates, and fill the festive court.