Page:Poems - Southey (1799) volume 1.djvu/91

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For far from thence does Peace abide,
And thou shalt find Fame's favouring smile
Cold as the feeble Sun on Hecla's snow-clad side.

And Traveller! as thou hopest to find
That low and loved abode,
Retire thee from the thronging road
And shun the mob of human kind.
Ah! hear how old Experience schools,
"Fly fly the crowd of Knaves and Fools
"And thou shalt fly from woe;
"The one thy heedless heart will greet
"With Judas smile, and thou wilt meet
"In every Fool a Foe!"

So safely mayest thou pass from these,
And reach secure the home of Peace,
And Friendship find thee there.
No happier state can mortal know,
No happier lot can Earth bestow
If Love thy lot shall share.