Page:Poems - volume 1 - EBBrowning (1844).pdf/252

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'Tis a picture for remembrance! and thus, morning after morning,
Did I follow as she drew me, by the spirit, to her feet—
Why her greyhound followed also! dogs—we both were dogs for scorning—
To be sent back when she pleased it, and her path lay through the wheat.

And thus, morning after morning, spite of oath, and spite of sorrow.
Did I follow at her drawing, while the week-days passed along;
Just to feed the swans this noontide, or to see the fawns to-morrow,—
Or to teach the hill-side echo, some sweet Tuscan in a song.

Ay, and sometimes on the hill-side, while we sate down in the gowans.
With the forest green behind us, and its shadow cast before;